martes, 29 de marzo de 2011

Prezi Interwar Period USA

martes, 15 de marzo de 2011

Prezi Reflection

Prezi is a new program in which you can do presentations. It was a new innovating idea which is a good thing, yet it lacked performing options. For one thing, you could not color an independent text by just selecting and and trying to change the color, nope, you had to get deep down into the system. Another thing it lacked was that there were only three options for the font. Another thing it lacked was the personal animation. Still, it had some good features like the fact that you have so much space to work in which makes it really easy to work with. I actually didn't find anything difficult after I knew how the whole thing worked. I probably didn't explore the whole program but from what I saw and know that it is still in its early stages, I know this program will become a great one.

If I had to choose either Powerpoint or Prezi I would choose PowerPoint because of a simple reason. That reason is that Prezi, even though it might grow to be a great program, at the moment it is not that developed as PowerPoint. PowerPoint is going to be useful probably for like two more years (that's it if Prezi grows like I think it will). Nevertheless, PowerPoint at the moment has more options to work with and therefore it makes it more useful and in this case my first choice over Prezi. Still, I think I will look up to Prezi as like said before, can be a great candidate for an awesome program.


miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011

The Next 5 Years Of My Life

This was a sandbox learning style for using Prezi so the animation isn't that great

miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2011

PSA Video

Making a PSA was reallly annoying. The PSA only brought trouble to our life. First of all, the group I was with to create the PSA got punished because of fooling around. This means that we couldn't do anything during all the period we had available. Fortunately, our PSA was finished in a very short period of time the next day. In order to create the PSA we needed ideas. These were easy as they just pooped right through my head and I began talking to my group about it. In the end, the whole thing was really just a matter of minutes and complications were minimal.

There weren't many things I would like to change about my video but minor problems. One of these was the camera handling. The camera, as always, was moving from side to side and what I would have liked was that we had a camera rig, but that costs some money and in that time we had no funds. Another thing I would like to change was the editing at the end as that was not my job as part of the group and I think it could have been better.

Doing this PSA, my group was not alone. There were many more and truthfully, some were kind of good. Of course, we people making these PSAs are not skilled actors/actress or directors but I have to say, some were good. The only problem with all the videos inclluding mine was that nobody had a decent camera so that gave a very strange and fan made video look which makes it look unprofessional, but that was inevitable. I am not trying to say that my group was the best and all otehrs are bad here, but our team, in my opinion had the best storyline, clear voice, and drama, but allas, I can not choose my own group as the best. From all other videos, I think that the group consisted of Jorge and Taku was the best. This is because they portrayed the effects well of their subject and consequences. In a nutshell, it was the one that looked more professional.

My group consisted of me, of course.... Sebastian, and Rodrigo.