I think the video entitled One Day On Earth posted on Youtube is a very touching video. I really liked the video. So many things happen in one day you probably only know less than 1 % of what really happened in the whole world just that one day. Most of the things that happen are horrible and tragic things like death yet not all is sadness and grieving. A small part is happiness but nevertheless, you don not know when those things will happen to you so you should enjoy every second on your life. I guess that is what the message of this video is. You should enjoy every minute of your life and if you are one of the lucky people who have not suffered real grief, then forget your problems and enjoy your life. For those who are in grief, understand that there is only one life you live and you should enjoy it at its maximum. In my personal opinion, I think every person should follow this message.
In the video there was some guy with one leg but he is high jumping. This was a very powerful short clip. The guy who was legless comes to show you that no matter if you are somehow crippled, you can still achieve many things and by doing so, enjoy them. One video that I did not enjoy looking at and that it did not gave me such feeling was the busy corner in the city. There was really no feeling but nevertheless it was a great video.
Essay France Interwar
Hace 13 años