Air pollution is the most pressing problem in our world. You cannot always see air pollution. Many people help pollution problems and more because they can see it physically and it does look bad. The problem here is that the smog and all air pollutants are blending with the air and you cannot see them. Most people only solve problems that they see and as not everybody helps with air pollution. Now it has become a problem in which without us seeing has become the root of some animal's death. For the reasons I am about to explain, I believe that air pollution is the most pressing enviromental issue right now.
Air pollution for many reasons is the most pressing enviromental issue in our world. One of the reasons that air pollution is so dangerous is that it is like poison. Air pollution starts hurting you little by little. At first, if you inhale smog or some air polluted you would be fine the next day, but, if you live in an area where air pollution is common then little by little your body system will end its functioning. the worst part is that you would not even notice it. Besides, you can not do a regular day check with your doctor to see if your system is weak or so. This is one reason air pollution is the most pressing enviromental issue in our world.
The second reason that air pollution is the most pressing issue in our world is that it is very subtle. If you take same drug over and over again, you might get used to it, nevertheless, it would still harm you. Air pollution is the same. Maybe the first time you inhale it or so you might cough once or twice but as I said, if you are in a city full of this polluted air, with time you would get accostumed to the air and you would think of it as a natural and normal thing. Besides, you can not really see air, so, would you really think there would be a problem there? Besides being like a ninja, this is why air pollution is the most pressing issue on our world.
Finally, the last reason air pollution is so harmful is that it affects our world´s atmosphere. Air pollution is the main reason for global warming. It also leads to other types of pollution like water but that is another topic. Air pollution could even be the cause of life´s extinction. Global warming, one of earth´s problems is caused by air pollution. Just to resume, globañ warming will cause the biggest flood on earth and it will probably kill all of earth´s life forms or most of them. This is just a terrible thing to happen when global warming starts with something as simple as polluting the air.
This are just 3 of the main reasons why air pollution is the most pressing enviromental issue in the world. If anyone would have to do something, it must be pretty big just to erase this problem. Air filters is what we need or maybe some other type of resource. Maybe using some other type of method that doesn´t pollute the air will cause harm to something else. That is why if somebody should help us liberate of our problem it must be done know. Maybe by liberating this problem of out world would lead to another problem but right know I guess you would not want to die drowning. This is why air pollution is the most pressing enviromental problem in our world.