miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

One Day at Earth Video

My video is taking a little more than expected to finish. Nevertheless, a theme can be extracted from the video can be extracted. Moslty, my pictures were of nature and pollution. You can guess from what I just told you what the theme is. Life. Life is in its beginning of its end. The message trying to be delivered in this video is that life is to an end and we as humans should do something about it. I know this is not a very original theme as many have been done with probably some of the same pictures as I used, but what the hell, I am trying to help the Earth so yeah... Ill probably have the video in 18/Nov/10 so if there are any followers of my blog posts (which I doubt), then wait for it.

Making a video is harder than it looks, just like many other things. First of all, for this type of video, you need to do things in steps. First of all, you need a theme of what you are going to do, and thinking of an original theme that you like is way to hard. Second of all, you need many images. Now, gathering the right images for your specific theme gets really boring and therefore making it harder than it is as you don't want to gather more images. Later on is the actual video. In the actual video, you put the images in a certain order but, the images should go specifically in some order if you want to make them more interesting. For this you need an audio track that fits your video theme. Now, right now you can begin to understand how hard it is to make and "average looking video". Now, just imagine trying to do one with real good quality (content quality). I don't even want to talk about it. So, if you are going to make a video, you must have a lot of free time on your hands

martes, 26 de octubre de 2010

One Day to Tell All

I think the video entitled One Day On Earth posted on Youtube is a very touching video. I really liked the video. So many things happen in one day you probably only know less than 1 % of what really happened in the whole world just that one day. Most of the things that happen are horrible and tragic things like death yet not all is sadness and grieving. A small part is happiness but nevertheless, you don not know when those things will happen to you so you should enjoy every second on your life. I guess that is what the message of this video is. You should enjoy every minute of your life and if you are one of the lucky people who have not suffered real grief, then forget your problems and enjoy your life. For those who are in grief, understand that there is only one life you live and you should enjoy it at its maximum. In my personal opinion, I think every person should follow this message.

In the video there was some guy with one leg but he is high jumping. This was a very powerful short clip. The guy who was legless comes to show you that no matter if you are somehow crippled, you can still achieve many things and by doing so, enjoy them. One video that I did not enjoy looking at and that it did not gave me such feeling was the busy corner in the city. There was really no feeling but nevertheless it was a great video.

miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010

L/100K per Car

Last day I was instructed to find out how much L/100K my parent's car used just to get me to school. Apparently, my car waste pretty much gasoline. Also, this is just for my parents drving me to school. My parents are busy people and are always on the road. I cant imagine Just how much is polluted and wasted.
We were also instructed to find out the L/100k of an energy efficient car. I was ashamed of my car when I found out about how much my car wasted compared to the energy efficient car. Now, imagine all the cars in the world doing the same or more than I do. My only comment is that this is not going to end well.

Apparently my car uses 16.8 L/100km and the nergy efficient cars use 7.8 L/100k. They use half as I do.
Also, I can see that oil sometimes is wasted like in the past year's oil spill. I do not consider this when I go into may car because I know that even if I get into my car or not, oil is still processed and might be spilled again. It would only be another incident in which I dont have authority of any kind.

miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

Fuel Wasted

Every year I go to school about 185 days throughout the whole year. Mostly, I use a Chevrolet TrailBlazer. I've calculated how much many litters of gasoline I wasted per day approximately going to school from my home to there and from the school to my home. That result was multiplied by 185 and apparently I found out that I wasted 1087.8 L of gasoline approximately. My dream car which is a Mercedes-Benz (a city car), wasted even more than the TrailBlazer. The Mercedes wasted 1172.90 L of gasoline per year. This is 85.1 more litters than my actual car. With gasoline prices now, I approximately waste 1,000 dollars per year, and that is just my folks driving me to school. I can only say that it is no wonder the economy is so low.

2009 Mercedez-Benz (dream car) 18.1L/100k 3.17L 15.85L 586.45L 5278.05 pesos
Trail Blazer 2002 Chevrolet 16.8L/km 2.94L 14.7L 543.9L 4895.1 pesos
Ford Escape Hybrid 2011 6.9L/100K 0.5L 2.5L 92.5L 832.5 pesos

Mazda Tribute Hybrid 2009 7.8L/100k 1.36L 6.8L 251.6L 2264.4 pesos

jueves, 2 de septiembre de 2010


Recently, I bought a bunny as a pet in Mexico. I think that the most joyful thing I have done this year is play with th bunny and so on. Nevertheless, I would have liked to go skydiving and feel danger right next to me. Sadly, not everything becomes reality. So, if I weren´t to do these things and I should spend time with you, you might notice that I am a very good listener. These are some joyful things I have inn mind for myself.

jueves, 10 de junio de 2010

Typing Reflection

Typing Master is a program used to improve the user's writing speed and accuarcy. In my case, it did work yet things sometimes went wrong. These things were that sometimes I dropped like 20 % of my scorebut this has its reasons. One problem the Typing Master had is that in my computer, I could only choose one course or in this case one "Essay" to do. It was tiresome doing the same thing over and over again. Nevertheless, my writing did improve. Still, I don't think this should be included in the ninth grade as I don't think I could improve more.


This is my Math MAP graph. This graph is the best that in my opinion, represents how to show these scores. This graph can also be used in many other things like the rate of growth of something or even more complicated things.

This is my Reading MAP scores. I don't think that this is the best suitable graph for showing scores of one host but what I think is that it should be used when comapring 2 different items or so. These two items or even more, should be something like effectiveness of something or those two items.

This is the Language MAP graph I did. This is actually not the most appropiate graph for showing these scores but it is more likely to show different products and their values or whatever they are showing off.

martes, 1 de junio de 2010

MAP Testing

MAP testing is something that students in United Sates do. This is also done in Mexico. That is the case for me and peers. MAP testings are usually very stressing and boring. Practically, the only thing that encourages me to do it well and not ust put random things (It doesn't count as you GPA in school) is that these scores can count on your further life like universities or so. Nevertheless, with all the stress caused by the test (They are very long), you still get satisfaction with seeing your scores (Of course, if they are good). This is the case for me. I love to see my peers have lower scores than I do and so I feel superior. That's one of the only thigns I like about MAP testing. Practically, the system is really good for making these tests and so I wouldn't change anything. I conclusion, these MAP tests are just another thing in school that stresses you.

Edited photo originally from: http://www.subversiveelement.com/files/Stress.jpg

jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

Air Pollution Presentations

Today I saw 3 air pollution presentations. Most of them were pretty good yet they all looked alike as we all talked about the same problems. Nevertheless, all were convincing and so was mine. Mine, which is the fourth presentation, was similar to the others. To tell you the truth, I got kinda sad to know that mine was like all others and not that original yet the pictures in all the presentations were original and funny. If I could do my presentation again, the only thing that I would add to it is more information so it would stand out a bit more. Nevertheless, they were all good presentations.

jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

Power Point

Power Point presentations can be messed up with some errors done daily by teachers, student, and even business men. One of this errors is "To much information". Lately, my classmates and I had a S.E. project in which we had to research a drug. Many people copied and pasted all the information they could find into one or two slide. Also, some of them had bright colors as background and bright color for the font text. This made difficult understanding some of the informatio given. Worst part of all is that even some of the presentations had spelling errors which actually made the presentations more interesting because my classmates wanted to make fun of the host by finding more spelling errors. From my vague memory I can't recall who or exactly when I have seen this mistakes yet I just know that in my school and in many others also including people not involved in schools, probably will make this mistakes and will then mess up their presentation.

jueves, 29 de abril de 2010

25 Things


Things I love

1-Helpful videos

2-Funny videos


4-New videos

5-Amazing people



8-Chapters from something you missed on TV

9-Animal videos

10-Top 10 videos

11-Buisness tool

12-Prank videos

13-How-to-do videos

14-Relative videos sidebar

15-Subscribing news

16- Can´t come across obscene material by accident

17-Structure of website

18-Never ending videos


20-Videos clasiffied

21-Game videos

22-Political news videos

23-Social website

24-Opportunity to witness unique stuff

25-Inside social webs there is a certain control in content

Things I hate

1-agresive strangers

2-stupid videos

3-repetition of videos from different people

4-Japanese video pranks

5-When you are in a video without knowing so (privacy)

6-Racial videos

7-Bad quality videos

8-Comment fights

9-Dumb video responses of 2 secs.

10-1 second videos

11-Searching for something and you get something else

12-Rick Roll´ed

13-Uploading videos (time)

14-Advertisemens in videos

15-Movie in 25 parts

16-Obscene videos

17-Not audible videos

18-High volume videos

19-Stupid videos rated high

20-Friend invite messages


22-Delete sound for some videos because of copyright infrigement

23-Half content of video not realted to title

24-video parodies of parodies

25-Making lists about this website of what I hate and love about it...

martes, 27 de abril de 2010

Earth Day Rubric

Last day I graded two Earth Day Projects. To tell you the truth, by doing so, I just learned that my project just met the requirements. One of the videos was a bit worse than mine and very boring and it got a 5. I dont know but I think I was very harsh on that grading. The other one was very good and it got like an 8 yet most of the content was not from the author of the project. After watching this second video, I thought that my video was very bad. I would be willing to do my Earth Day Project again yet, I have other things to do. I think that this was a lesson that taught me to check over my work more frequently and put more effort into my work.

jueves, 22 de abril de 2010

Air pollution an enviromental issue

Air pollution is the most pressing problem in our world. You cannot always see air pollution. Many people help pollution problems and more because they can see it physically and it does look bad. The problem here is that the smog and all air pollutants are blending with the air and you cannot see them. Most people only solve problems that they see and as not everybody helps with air pollution. Now it has become a problem in which without us seeing has become the root of some animal's death. For the reasons I am about to explain, I believe that air pollution is the most pressing enviromental issue right now.

Air pollution for many reasons is the most pressing enviromental issue in our world. One of the reasons that air pollution is so dangerous is that it is like poison. Air pollution starts hurting you little by little. At first, if you inhale smog or some air polluted you would be fine the next day, but, if you live in an area where air pollution is common then little by little your body system will end its functioning. the worst part is that you would not even notice it. Besides, you can not do a regular day check with your doctor to see if your system is weak or so. This is one reason air pollution is the most pressing enviromental issue in our world.

The second reason that air pollution is the most pressing issue in our world is that it is very subtle. If you take same drug over and over again, you might get used to it, nevertheless, it would still harm you. Air pollution is the same. Maybe the first time you inhale it or so you might cough once or twice but as I said, if you are in a city full of this polluted air, with time you would get accostumed to the air and you would think of it as a natural and normal thing. Besides, you can not really see air, so, would you really think there would be a problem there? Besides being like a ninja, this is why air pollution is the most pressing issue on our world.

Finally, the last reason air pollution is so harmful is that it affects our world´s atmosphere. Air pollution is the main reason for global warming. It also leads to other types of pollution like water but that is another topic. Air pollution could even be the cause of life´s extinction. Global warming, one of earth´s problems is caused by air pollution. Just to resume, globañ warming will cause the biggest flood on earth and it will probably kill all of earth´s life forms or most of them. This is just a terrible thing to happen when global warming starts with something as simple as polluting the air.

This are just 3 of the main reasons why air pollution is the most pressing enviromental issue in the world. If anyone would have to do something, it must be pretty big just to erase this problem. Air filters is what we need or maybe some other type of resource. Maybe using some other type of method that doesn´t pollute the air will cause harm to something else. That is why if somebody should help us liberate of our problem it must be done know. Maybe by liberating this problem of out world would lead to another problem but right know I guess you would not want to die drowning. This is why air pollution is the most pressing enviromental problem in our world.

martes, 20 de abril de 2010

Earth Day Project

This project was indeed messed up in some ways. First of all, I must say that gathering the information was very easy yet converting videos and audios was kind of hard as we had to download some programs which of course we did not download. That was mostly the problem. We had to do all in our homes. I do not have a problem with that unless your laptop has been taken away for 2 years or so in which that would be my case. I had to borrow my parents laptop and so the only thing that happened there because borrowing the laptop had a limmited time, well, lets just say I didn't do much yet I did my part of the project. I guess that my partner and I worked well while we were togethter.

martes, 13 de abril de 2010

Spring Break

Spring Break for me is always boring. It is the same thing every year. I do ordinary stuff in that vacation. That ordinary stuff is staying in my home and do non-productive activities. This year's Spring Break was more special. I actually stayed in my home for like 5 days and then my dad decided that me and my brother would go with him on his buisness trip to Guadalajara and Mazatlan. At first we didn´t want to go as we weren´t used to travel. Later on we found out that there is more than meets the eye in some other places.

Guadalajara was our first stop. We went to our grandfather´s house and we rested there. We were supposed to stay in Guadalajara for like 2 or 3 days but we ended up staying 4. In that period of time my brother decided to buy a new PS3 game called PES (Pro Evolution Soccer). After that we went to the theater and saw The Blind Side. It was a very moving moving yet I´d seen lots of them. Still it was a very good one. After that we just went to some other places to go for a ride and then at 6 AM sharp, we were already headed for Mazatlan.

Mazatlan wasn´t as exciting as Guadalajara. The only interesting thing that happened was that there was some anual every year motorcycle event and so we saw lots of motorcycles. There were vatious styles but the most common of all were Harley ones. I guess that after just dinning in some restaurants and stuff, we headed back to P.V. It was a long trip and I was tired and so I slept. Apparently from what I can remember, this is all I did in my Spring Break.

jueves, 18 de marzo de 2010


When I found out I was lied to I was destroyed. I couldn't believe that my own wife had lied to me for 2 years. We had gone through a lot together but turned out it didn't meant anything to her. She was a spy. I found out when she entered a secret room I did not know was there in my own house paid by me! She had entered by inserting an identification card in the phone and the wall opposite to the TV opened. This happened because I said I was going to the gym but I forgot some equipment. I returned to my house and there she was inserting the identification card into the phone. As the wall opened, a big screen appeared and stated "Welcome agent 26, you have a free day today".

That day I went straight back to the gym and returned as usual. As I got home and entered the dor, I saw my wife in the kitchen cooking. I asked her immediately if she loved me. Apparently she deduced something was wrong and she didn't hesitate. She answered "Yes dear", but now looking at her eyes directly, I saw a faint twitch in her eye. Again, just knowing she was lying to me, I felt in a private way without others knowing (not even my wife) depression. I said it was nothing and tried to keep on with my life.

As some days passed, my so called wife deduced something was wrong with our relationship. One day I woke up with a note beside me where my wife used to be. It was from agent 26 as I don't dare call her my wife. It said that she was sorry for lying and that she had no control over her assignment. I thought of 2 things that moment. One was that again, she was lying. The second one was one that I was puzzled about. Why was she with me? That was something that I would never find out. After this incident, I felt the loneliest person in the whole world. From that day I reinforced a statement that had already been said. It was "Life is cruel".

martes, 16 de marzo de 2010

Animation Project

8th Grade RotoBall from mistermark on Vimeo.

For about 3 weeks we worked on an animation project. At the start the teacher showed us what we were going to do. Most of us were freaking out because it looked so complicated. The truth was that it was very simple but it just took some time to do it. That was practically the main problem. Most of the students did not finish in time and so we were given more time to finish. That was the only problem taht we faced.

jueves, 11 de marzo de 2010

Vid Comment & Changes in Project

Video Comment
This video is very good taking that the experience present when the video was made was very small. Nevertheless, being so small that experience there are some flaws in the video like outlines and lasting backgrounds. Still, I think this is a very entertaining video.
My video was perfect talking in structure. By structure I mean that I completed all the requirements. Nevertheless, when I saw the video in the webpage Vimeo the video lasted longer than the usual. I didn't really had to make many changes and so there isnt really much things to say. I can only say that it took me anout 1 minute to restore peace in my video. This was a really easy task to do.

lunes, 8 de marzo de 2010

Rotoball Project

I had great fun doing this project. Most of it was because I spended most of my time alone. Also, I did it kind of random my animation and so it was very fun to just play with the video. Besides, as I am kind of good at this program, I felt like a master as other people (the infererioors) asked me for help. Even though I didnt give much help to others, I still felt pretty cool with this project. Nevertheless, that doesnt meant that I still had a hard time. Still, besides all my efforts and some times frustrations, I thought this was one of the coolest projects we have made.

martes, 16 de febrero de 2010

My Rotoball Idea

There are many things to do for an animation. Also, I heard this animation had to do with something to do with what I do. There are many things that I do but I have made up my mind. What I will do is that I will start of playing tennis. Later on, I will sit down and read a book. After this doing I will throw the book which would turn into a basketball to a hoop and then after that it would just go out of the screen. That is my animation idea.

jueves, 11 de febrero de 2010

New Technology

This new technology stunned me. I never thought that it would be available for people so soon. My reaction to this video was complete amazement. I thought at the end of the video ¨I want one¨. It shure would please me to have one even just for messing around with the controls. I think that this is a new kind of a technology life.

The greatest things about technology are its functions. If you think about it, we started as cavemen using rocks and nothing more. Then, out of nowhere, technology appeared and it sure is awesome. Technology may be pretty cool but it is not god. Technology can´t do many things but if you think about it, we only use technology for so many things so I wouldn´t really think of what I can´t do with technology but, I would think of what I can do with it.

Open source is something accesible to everybody. Talking about technology, computers, laptops, cellphones are open source and so on. Many of these I have used and so many others. The pros of this technology may be new information available or maybe just a new kind of technology that would allow us to do stuff that other might not like motion tweens easier (joke). The cons of this technology is that somehow some people may use it for evil or that as it is wireless and stuf, if anything breaks (as it looks fragile), you would have to buy another one. In conclusion, this technology is awesome but some things could be improved to even make this technology more awesome.

jueves, 21 de enero de 2010

Internet at home

Internet at home is a film dierected to everybody in the world. This documentary is about teenagers who are dominated by the internet. Teenagers these days spend 1/4 or more of their time in the computer. The purpose of this project is to show the risks of being in the internet and and so on. These people interview some of the kids at home and try ro make them in a way said tell the producers of the film of what is happening with his life and the internet. From this type of domcumentary you could say that the producers had some addictive childs who were all the time at the computer. You could say that this could be a very interesting film which it is, but, the producers leave some questions out of the film. Some of those questions are like what benefits come from the internet and some other things. I think that like all other documentaries they exagerate a little bit but they are partly true and so I just leave the rating to other people.

viernes, 8 de enero de 2010

Digital Media in Schools

If you want to be filled on a books story just for fun, it is not a crime to do it on someone elses summary but if you are asked as a favor or work to do it, i think you should feel guilty. It is actually skipping and making your work a lot easier when others struggle but, who says life is the same to everyone? I think that you should be guilty but still, some people are too lazy and make their life easier. Later on in life, those people who cheated wont go far and so i say again, you should feel guilty. It is the same as cheating on any test or anything. It is like cheating life and its obstacles. Some may think that it is just a minor thing cheating but still if you talk about justice, that would be a crime. So I conclude that some may be cool with it but the authorities, in this case the teachers, wouldnt think it is cool and would probably get you punished if exposed.

martes, 5 de enero de 2010

Winter Vacations

This winter vacations were actually pretty exciting. You would think that I as a teenager would take a disgust feeling for Christmas and spending time with relatives but no, it was actually pretty fun. At first, when I cam out of school, I was told we were going to Mexico. I was actually mad as I cannot stand being in a car for 5 hours max. To tell the truth, I was sleeping all the ride and so I didnt care that much. First of all, we made a stop at Guadalajara. We have some relatives there and we actually spended Christmas there and not in Mexico. I have nothing against Guadalajara by the way I am writing, it is just that I thought that we were spending Christmas in Mexico. All the time spent in Guadalajara before Christmas was just a waste of time. In other words we were making time and by "we" I mean my parents and brother (forgot to mention they were with me). It was New Year's Eve and the little kids or my cousins which are barely below 8 years old all (so I cant really talk to them about some stuff) were getting their presents that day. After watching all the abnormal stuff they got because some things they got just were strange, I kind of fell asleep and about an hour later I went to bed. I have to many cousins and aunts to name them all and so nobody feels discriminated. Now, just to shorten things up as I have many other stories but I cant tell them all, I got for Christmas a PlayStation 3 and a metal thing to excersise. Then I went to Mexico and spended New Year. Later on I went to my home and played lots of PlayStation...

I wouldnt change a lot of my vacations. To tell the truth it was way more exciting than what I just wrote peviously, but, there are some minor details which I would change like traveling by plane. That would have been a lot faster going to Mexico but way more expensive. Also, I would have changed some time that I spent doing nothing to doing something creative. That is mostly all I would change.

Going to another topic which is what would my dream vacation be, well, it be really complicated. It would be in a sunny beach with clear waters and lots of time to spend in it. Also, a nice hotel would be really appreciated and some other tropical enviroment around. Now just to compensate this dream vacation, lots of fun would be needed. Seriously, there is nothing more I wish this boring and kind of shady day for me right now.
